Dental office: Passion and Chef's Table
This is a bit of a long overdue post which I have been thinking for a while. My thoughts are not exactly all logically laid out as of yet so I'm just posting whatever I can think of for now and will edit my grammar and structure later on as I feel like it. My main topic which I would like to focus on is the passion of dentistry.I have been watching the Netflix series called Chef's Table recently and I found  lot of similarities and parallels in terms of dentistry and being a chef. Both have the passion to strive for the best: chefs in relation to their food and emotions to their customers and dentistry similarly to their patients in regards to their treatments with the best outcome.Passion is what drives us as dentists to be more positive and empower our patients to be excited and confident about the journey that they are about to embark on. Whether it is to make their smiles look better or for us to get rid of an infection and fix what was broken. Without dentists being passionate in doing their work, I believe that we cannot do what is best for our patients and therefore stepping ourselves into the territory of being unethical.Passionate about dentists also allows us to upgrade and try new technologies. Things to make the lives of us( and our staff and patients alike) simpler, consistent and predictable. Examples include this website full of information to empower our patients to read up about treatments and find our surgeries. Fully digitised computer systems to make our note taking more accurate and support staff to book patients and stock take. The advent of rotary endondontic systems to do root canal treatment quicker and more predictable.But everything needs some degree of balance as well. In the end, like a restaurant, dentistry is another form of business. Even if we are passionate about our work, without our patients (or customers in restaurant) we would be nothing and will be unable to sustain the business side. Next up: ethics of dentistry Note: I intend to make these post a series where I get to express my own views of dentistry and it's current trends. So feedback about these posts are appreciated for future consideration and improvements